Connecting to Animals in the Spirit world
Animals in the Spirit world and how do they communicate?.
How will I understand animal communications from Spirit?. How do I recognize and interpret their messages.? Will I hear them as a spoken voice, or will they talk to me in a different way.
Much like your loved ones in the spirit world, animals communicate to us by the use of our Clair senses. So we see, feel smell, taste, touch or just know what they are trying to communicate to us.
As a medium, you may hear their bark, or get a feeling of their personality, see their favorite basket, chair they sat on at home, feel a sense of their fur, know in your heart their joy and pain, or smell their favorite food. They can show you where they slept, their favorite toy, a cheeky mannerisms like a flick of the tail, and capture your heart of your memories together And like your loved ones, they love the feeling of sharing their love with you.
All manner of animal souls can come through, horses, birds, ferrets, although for some there may feel like there is not always a lot of evidence of their life you can bring through.
Often animals, such as family pets come through in a reading with a grandparent or another loved one.
So, whilst you are in the middle of giving details of the relative in Spirit, the dog or cat pops in to show themselves. Pets love to connect with a friendly " hello”, details of a memory, as if to say “ don’t forget about me”.
Its precious when they share their special memories of the time you had together.
Never a dry eye in the house. Their unconditional love is always felt and never forgotten.
I am always amazed at the spirit world , the clever, often creative way they communicate with us. Its a pure joy to work with them.