Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions.
In using this website, you agree to the Terms and conditions, privacy policy and legal disclaimer written below.
You must be over the age of 18 years to book a reading on this website.
Maree Lutzoff is unable to conduct a reading or healing session on any persons under the influence of alcohol or mind altering drugs.
Maree Lutzoff provides psychic, tarot and mediumship readings which are to be considered for entertainment purposes only. The client is responsible for the decisions and free will choices they undertake after the reading is given.
Maree Lutzoff does not claim to meet your requirements at the time of a reading. Maree Lutzoff is unable to guarantee the outcome and accuracy of her service at the time of your reading or healing session.
Maree Lutzoff holds no medical, financial, psychiatric or legal qualifications, so any advice given should not be used as a substitute for qualified professional advice in relation to the above matters.
Maree Lutzoff will not be held liable for any damage, loss of income or emotional distress caused after providing a service to you.
The services provided on this website and its content are protected under copyright laws and cannot be reproduced, or used in any way without the permission of Maree Lutzoff.
Maree Lutzoff does not sponsor any material on websites linked to this website, other than her social media links.
Any information collected by Maree Lutzoff is protected under privacy laws and will not be sold, used or reproduced in any other way other than to provide services to you.
By agreeing to submit and agree to the collection of your details, you have agreed to receive the occasional correspondence by email.
Maree Lutzoff will not be held responsible for any damages taken as a consequence, or in consequence or result of a service that has been provided to you.
A cancellation policy will apply should you not give 24 hours notice of your intent to cancel.
The suitability and appropriateness of the information provided on this site should be assessed according to your relevant circumstances and is general in nature.
Maree Lutzoff is not liable for your interpretation of this website content.