Hi, I am a respected Psychic Medium with over 30 years experience assisting people with readings and wellness concerns.
For me, my intuitive journey started at an early age. I was always looking for the meaning behind everything and fascinated with the afterlife and the unusual.
Connection came to my Mediumship around the age of 6, when I saw a vision of my Father who had passed away, appearing in my room.
From then I was aware of Spirit often and only told my aunty about it as my mother did not believe in such things.
I had no idea then, but later learned that this gift of mediumship was recognized in my natal birth chart and came through my Mothers family line
Mediumship is about love and connection. This connection brings realization of the potentials and joys of life, and often a deeper love and closure to those who have lost a loved one. Mediumship assists us to connects to a belief of the afterlife and an understanding of the spirit world.
As a child I was super sensitive and empathic, so I just knew things and could feel and understand a lot of the seen and unseen world.
Intuition and self learning doesn’t come without a price, as the world is not set up to encourage us to go inward, work in the shadowlands of self and discover the magic of who we really are at a heart and soul level.
The gifts that come from unravelling yourself from the program and diving deep into what your Soul wants you to remember and follow, allows you to find freedom, in so many ways, living your personal truth and finding a deeper understanding to your life.
This quest takes time and experiences, both good and bad, but it is a journey that’s so worth it.
Each person is a unique individual and I look to work with you to see what is needed for you, what your innate gifts are that can be grown and developed on a intuitive level and as a Soul here. I don’t have all the answers, as its your unique journey, but I can shine the light to guide you.
I do this work as personal and soul growth is super important to enjoying this life fully.
You may need to speak to your loved one in spirit, learn about your souls gifts, use frequency to treat a body illness or understand the dynamics of a past life that’s blocking your progress now, this is some of what I can offer you.
As we take on energy everyday from events and others around us, self care is super important after energy work and in daily life.
I love to be outside to let Mother Earth, the sun, wind and water assist me to clear and refocus after doing any of my work. I’m sure you feel her nurturing vibe when your get into nature too. Nature knows you, it is part of your heart.
Some of my other passions ; seeking the truth of life on this planet, intelligent conversation, karaoke, reading, the smell of books, crystals, plants, exercise, the natural world, ancient and off world intelligence, natural & vibrational medicine, and travel to anywhere!
Thanks for visiting my site, enjoy your time today
Maree x
If you would like to read a short article
I have written about my journey, click here
In my readings:
I offer you guidance for your own peace of mind.
I can shine light on the dynamics of your life.
I offer guidance to give you clarity and direction.
I offer connection to deal with grief in love, life and death.
I can offer clarity on your spiritual pathway forward.
I offer guidance and empowerment on a practical level to enable you to make those tough decisions to take control of your life.
I offer you connection to your loved ones in spirit.
All done without judgement, with compassion and No Fluffy Stuff.
Member of IICT Insurance
Studies with Inner Voyage College of Meditation Teachers and Counselling
Studies with Tony Stockwell / Lynn Probert Australian Mediumship and Psychic Academy 2013-2108
Studies of Mediumship with Paul Jacobs and Mavis Patilla
Malvern School (Copeland) of Massage and Kinesiology
Dr Linet Cert of Intuitive Counselling
Reflexology Accreditation International Reflexology Association
One Tribe Healing- Shamanic Training
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I’m excited to share this journey with you.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
“Become loyal to your innermost truth. Follow the way when all others abandon it. Walk the path of your own heart”